Sunday, February 20, 2011

fun with trampolines

one, two, three, jump!!! fuck. ok, let's try it again. one, two, three, wait! No, now!

Friday, February 18, 2011

film....the pain....

Couple shots from the Mamiya in the black lung cave....

Monday, February 14, 2011 lung part II

Shot in an amazing warehouse the other day, fully abandoned and dirty as they come. At first my crew and I were dreaming about taking over the space and creating some sort of photo/creative space (so big and so cheap) but half way thru the day our lungs started acting up and by the end we had all but abandoned the idea.... They fought, she won. The Riff Winter shoot was a blast, Thank you to everyone who pitched in. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Film, film, film.....

As you may have noticed I have been shooting a shit load of film as of late. I've been documenting It's a School Night every monday and I'm thinking of turning it into a book after all's said and done. The first two images are extras from an early edit. The third image is, uhh, well it's me trying to catch a rainbow.

wait for it.....

Rave hands and vacation

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Chambers look book jail party...

I had the pleasure of doing a bit of modeling for my friends Devin and Matt's clothing line Chambers.
Now, I don't consider myself the model type so when they asked me I was flattered- when I found out the theme was a jail line up it all made sense.......not that I was offended in any way, I'm still flattered. 
The look book was shot by one of my good friends, Dan Monick, and the vibe was all party. 

Thank you gentlemen, was a lovely evening.